The fabulous jazz band playing in the streets.
Woke this morning to a change in the weather, some rain
overnight and quite a bit cooler. The mist was floating around the hills and
noticing a lot more yellow in the trees since we arrived here.
Drove the car into town this morning, to save the walk home up
the very steep hill and parked quite close to town, Saturday is market day. We
meandered up through the streets towards the cathedral. There were three
different market places scattered around and we enjoyed mingling with the crowd
enjoying the different market stalls. Noticed a number selling wild mushrooms,
which seemed to be very popular. Guess this is the season for them. At one
place they were finishing a cooking demonstration, couldn’t understand a word!
We could hear jazz music and came across a fabulous group of
four, dressed like steam punk rockers sitting on the most hilarious contraption
of bikes, as you can see in the photos. After some time they got back onto the “bike”
which turned out to be electric and meandered down the street to another
section of the market. So enjoyed watching and listening to them, it really
made our day.
Found a café and sat outside for a late lunch enjoying watching
local life pass by. Another brief shower came along and we were off to the car.
Another very relaxing day enjoying this town.
A very autumn looking morning.
Such a beautiful cathedral
A very narrow alley, with the walls of the building appearing to buckle.
Field mushrooms for sale.
So enjoyed this jazz group.
And then they were off on the bike!!!
Such a variety of roof tops.