Thursday July 21, Rondane National Park

The sheep playing chicken with the vehicles!
 It’s been a superb day, after rain overnight the weather improved and this afternoon we were in the low 20’s with full sun. Can’t complain.

First stop this morning was in Tynset, not far down the road, and our first Norwegian Grocery shop to get some fresh buns and bits and bobs. Went to Rema 1000, but no fresh bread so across the road to a Co-op store and found what we wanted, although always takes awhile to get used to the language in a new country, and how their stores are setup. Also found a chemist to get an anti-itch cream as had a few bites last night!

Continued on HW30 and then South on E3 which turned out to be a great drive through a valley beside the river with dairy farms rising from either side. It looked a pretty prosperous area, the buildings were well maintained and many were quite new. We tootled along enjoying the scenery. Then we headed west along 29 to Foldatt at the start of HW27 where we had a lunch stop then continued on along what is classed as a scenic route. Really didn’t know what to expect, but it turned out to be a real winner. Although the road was not that wide and quite a bit of traffic. So many motorhomes and caravans on the road, but guess it is not surprising as this is the middle of their holiday season.

We climbed and climbed passing through beautiful scenic places then out of the trees and into a high alpine area at over 1000m. So picturesque. There were cattle stops on the road and soon found out why …. Sheep! There are no fences and these ewes and lambs are so used to traffic they don’t bat an eyelid as they decide to sleep on the warm road. At times we had great difficulty getting around them especially one mum and her offspring sound asleep on the centre line, not much fun when the road is quite narrow! Pleased to see the motorists slowing right down and very carefully moving through them.

P4N had another good stop for us, an off road parking area which is used by many hikers as well as motorhomes. A great spot with views out over a lake and hills beyond. The afternoon turned really warm and so nice to get the chairs out and enjoy it. Even had a hike into the hills!

Minimal wifi so will have to load in the morning!

First Norwegian grocery shop

Washing the windows...I complained!


Impressed with the farms and buildings.

From our campsite...stunning views.

Evidently its called Reindeer Moss

So many old buildings with grass roofs.


Bugsy Malone said…
Thought Ian had been playing skittles with the sheep😂
Rainie said…
Beautiful scenic county side. We struck similar sheep issues driving in western Scotland
Dean Lippy said…
Was Koro tempted to grab one for a nice leg on the BBQ.