Saturday August 24, Anacortes

Have had a few emails from people about difficulties with the new format of the blog. Now the new entry has to be clicked on then it will open full size, else you will only be able to read a few paragraphs and see one photo.
Sherry and I had a really great “girls day out” and left the guys to do what blokes like doing! They decided to give Ruakiwi a good run, and also get the kiwi driver up to speed again on driving on the wrong side of the road. They headed to Burlington and visited the RV stores as well as Home Depot.
Our day started at the local farmers market and with peak season for local produce it was full of the freshest looking berries and vegetables and bunches of flowers, along with seafood, nuts and the yummiest breads. This is normally Sherry’s stop on a Saturday morning.
Dropped all the goodies off at home and then off around the bay on Chuckanut Drive which wound along the waters edge and through a large vegetable growing area. We crossed many sloughs ( small tidal inlets) and the salmon fisherman were out although didn’t see any getting caught. It was such a calm day with quite a bit of cloud and the views over the bay with the reflections were stunning. Stopped at a favourite cafĂ© of Sherry’s for lunch and a glass of local wine then meandered around the really quaint village of Edison browsing in the galleries and just enjoying ourselves. I was really taken by the work of Todd Horton ( especially his local landscapes. Had a great chat with him as he was working to complete work for an upcoming exhibition.
Back home and spent another long hour with Verizon organising online accounts so that I can see how much usage on the hotspot and buy more GB’s when needed…why is everything so difficult, especially when it is so hard to get a human to speak to.
Sherry has been spoiling us with wonderful meals and tonight we had seafood, scallops and razor clams, just superb. It is going to be hard getting back into doing our own meals!
Feeling a bit concerned about the dreadful fires around Yosemite, the fire fighters don't seem to be able to make much headway. We are due to be in that area probably in the next 3 or 4 weeks, may have to change plans.
The photos today are from the market and around Chuckanut drive.


kiwigran said…
Maybe I comment here?? Did you buy a Tony Horton to ship home..they looked interesting for sure!
NZ won the Louis Vuitton today so now to faceoff against Oracle..a bit of an unknown as to her speed!!
Lydia Ko won a major golf tourney and of course the AB's thrashed the Aussies! Fly that Kiwi flag with pride!!
Love the two old style silvery/tinny RV photo... Probably super luxury jobs!
Meg Lipscombe said…
HI Lynn, sure was a great weekend to be a proud kiwi. Hope Team NZ can continue and bring the Americas Cup home.
Would have loved to bring a Tony Horton home but the budget didn't quite stretch!
The old RV's were rather neglected, and left sitting in a paddock beside the road.
Anonymous said…
Hi Meg,
I'm logging in each day and slowly learning which symbols to click to get the whole story!
All sounds fun and a great settling in stay with Sherry and Terry before you head away.I've been wondering re Yosemite too...not looking like control as yet but perhaps could be dramatic photographic ops if you can visit safely.
Your old boat reminiscent of the Black Beast opposite the Landing and love the stelly blu/greys in the water and sky of the landscape.....and your zinnias remind me of my mother xxJ