Monday August 26, Sequim WA

The guys were off soon after 8 this morning and drove to Burlington to pick up some replacement parts for the gas burner on our fridge. Although it was working, the gas wasn’t running freely and they found a few parts that were starting to rust and get quite worn. It didn’t take long to replace the pieces and the fridge is running so well now.
Sadly it always has to happen, time to say goodbye once again to Terry and Sherry who have looked after us so well and helped get Ruakiwi up and running, we really had a fun relaxing time with them. We hope that NZ might be on their itinerary one day.

Next stop was in Anacortes to get the replacement front window fitted, thankfully all under insurance. It took several hours and we wandered down the road for a coffee and stopped at a roadside berry stall and picked up some blueberries which are so sweet at the moment.

…and then we turned up Willie Nelson and were “On the Road Again”. Although still being very cautious, Ian is settling back into driving on the right really easily.
Had a lunch stop, before getting to Keystone and caught the 3pm ferry for the 30 minute trip across the straight to Port Townsend. We were loaded first and had a prime spot in the middle at the front, so just stayed in the RV and had a great view.
Then it was a 50 minute drive west to Sequim to spend a few days with Witta and Dick. We got to know W & D in NZ where they had an apartment in central Christchurch and spent their American winters, but sadly it was caught up in the earthquakes, and they have now sold and we may not see them back in NZ. Witta and I met at a photography conference and over the years have had some wonderful workshops and photographic outings together, so as you can imagine we always love catching up.
They spoilt us with home cooked baby back ribs….Ian’s absolute favourites! Ruakiwi is parked in the driveway, and although they wanted us to stay in the house, it is much simpler to just sleep in the van, and we do sleep well.



Anonymous said…
Yay - you are underway! Safe travelling on the other side of the road and happy singing to Willlie :-) Nicky
Kiwi Gran said…
Wow..that is quite some cloud!