Monday September 15

September 15 Monday, Shubie Campground, Dartmouth, NS

Have had the tail end of Hurricane Ike today, but it seems to have all gone tonight, and the forecast for the next 5 days is really good, have had quite a few grey days.
Had a very pleasant evening last night, catching up with Kathy (ex Matamata) and her husband Bill, strange to be sitting in Nova Scotia discussing people and places around Matamata.
We headed out this morning to see the Tidal Bore, it is a phenomenon where the outgoing Shubenacadie River meets the incoming tide in an area where they have they highest tides in the world (can reach 50 feet). Evidently some days the waves can reach 5 metres, but this morning we saw a very small display. The water is deep brick colour, that of the surrounding courntryside. We followed Kathy and Bill to the lookout point, and there was quite a crowd to watch the daily event. Spotted a biker with a wonderful beard, and just had to take his photo….Steve is just completing his fourth trip that will mean he has been to the 4 corners of North America.
It was early afternoon by the time we left and the weather was getting quite rough, so we pulled into the village of Shubenacadie and went into a little restaurant for some lunch…felt we had stepped back in time, but the food was great, including a great bowl of cream of broccoli soup.
The drive down the freeway into Dartmouth was really rough, not much rain, but huge gusts of wind, Ian was very pleased to get to our campsite. The wind eased and we were able to take a good walk late afternoon around the nearby canal and lock that was part of a system built in the early 1800’s, joining the lakes that allowed a path right across Nova Scotia.
