Wednesday October 17, Montrol-Senard

Today ended on a rather sombre note as we visited the village of Oradour-sur-Glane. On June 10, 1944 all the 672 residents were killed by Nazi soldiers and the town was set alight. The town has been left as it was as a memorial for these people and walking through the streets really made you think about them and the real futility of war. All that was left were the stone walls and metal parts of buildings. Inside were “skeletons” of cars, and quite a number of metal pieces of equipment. In the church where the women and children were killed, the metal frame of a pram sits in front of the alter. We were some of the last people in to the village just before 5 and we had just over an hour before it closed. The shadows were getting long and to see the train lines still running down the main street along with their electrified wires on poles really made me feel the desolation of this town.  I tried to capture this with my camera, and took many, many photos which will need to processed later, but have put a few up on the blog. We could have stayed in the town but decided to move on another 15 minutes to this village which has a very simple Aire in a grass field overlooking the surrounding hills, a good place to sit over a glass of wine and think about where we had just been.

We woke this morning to heavy fog but by the time we had packed up, and had a chat with Tim and Indie it was lifting and we drove north with blue skies, great to see the sun. Stopped in the town of Hautefort, mainly to have a stock up at the supermarket but also to check out the castle. We stopped in a carpark which overlooked the beautiful Limousin countryside and had lunch, then I walked up to the castle, but soon found that I needed to pay an entry fee to just get in and have a close up look and as we had plans for the rest of the day I passed on it and made do with photos from the road! It was one of those places that we needed to spend the afternoon.
We passed through really pretty countryside with lots of cattle and sheep grazing before skirting around Limoges and onto Oradour. There are just so many places we could stop at and spend time, but realise that our days in France are quickly coming to an end. Tonight I picked a bowl full of field mushrooms from around our campsite and cooked up with some garlic – and ate them all, Ian doesn’t really like them as he finds them too strong compared to cultivated mushrooms, I didn’t complain!
The castle at Hautefort

Autumn is here

Spot Ruakiwi's lunch stop!

Drive by ... had to laugh.
