Thursday September 9, Westport WA

For a place to spend a quiet day, we couldn’t have picked a better one and it didn’t matter that the sun never came out….. and it didn’t rain.
Westport is one of the biggest commercial and sport fishing harbours on the west coast and we spent hours wandering around the piers, talking to fisherman and checking out the boats and had a really nice seafood lunch at one of the little cafes.
People were buying fresh albacore tuna from the fishing boats, something that we are not used to and talked to a few guys who had just come back in their private boat with 7 King Salmon they had caught about 15 miles off shore. They looked totally different to the big red monster that Ian caught as they were juvenile and weighed in at only around 10 – 22lb.
Somebody pointed us to the direction of some sealions, that were sunning themselves on a dock, one was quite vocal with a loud barking sound. Quite hilarious when a third one arrived and a fight erupted. Such ungainly creatures yet surprisingly agile at getting in and out of the water. Not long later we heard a noise and one of them surfaced quite close to us eating a fish. I so enjoy seeing wildlife in their “natural” environment, where they are not caged in.
All in all it has been a great day “rest” day.
