Tuesday August 26

August 26 Tuesday Inch Arran Park, Dalhousie NB
Tonight we are in New Brunswick, and strange to see signs in English and French again. We have spent just over a fortnight in Quebec, and seen and done so much. I really enjoyed the state, there is so much to do and see, we really only touched the surface.
Last night we had quite a bit of rain, so were quite happy to have a quiet evening inside. Went for a walk before breakfast, not thinking of mosquitoes, and by the time we got home, I had some more bites! Quite overcast for much of the day.
The first town we came too had a big dry dock area, and we were surprised by the number of fishing boats up on the dry….didn’t stop to ask anyone, they gave us some pretty black looks as we drove around! Continued on around the coast, and noticed the towns looked a bit more affluent than yesterday. Quite a few more sandy beaches.
Denis and Nicole’s son, has ‘in-laws” in Bonaventure, so we popped in briefly to see them, very nice people but they spoke very little English. Continued on and stopped at New Richmond for lunch beside the river. The weather still quite overcast and windy. Carlton was a really nice beach place, with a wonderful campground on a spit, but it was too early to stop. Popped into a few craft stores, but meandered on through and crossed the bridge into New Brunswich at Campbellton….clocks forward an hour, we are in Atlantic Time Zone now. Called into the info centre and got maps and all sorts of info about NB. We found a nice campsite about 15 minutes further on beside Chaleur Bay.
Went for a bit of a ride around on our bikes, a great way to blow the cobwebs away, although neither of us managed riding up the hills…yet!! Don’t thing we will be ready for the Redwoods in Rotorua. Tonight the sun came out and it was a glorious evening, and speaking with one of the locals, the forecast is for sun for the next 5 days.