Monday August 25

August 25 Monday Pabos Mills, QB
For the last week we have travelled through some amazing scenery with quaint little villages, and rural scenes, but today was much more ordinary…we have been spoilt.
The morning was quite hazy, had been tempted to get up for sunrise but slept in! We said goodbye to the girls in the next camp, we enjoyed their company, and I had to delay a little as I saw a wonderful light as the sun was trying to come through the haze….off for photos!
The day was quite overcast, and we wound round the coast to Gaspe, a bigger town, where I was able to find a rogue wifi and get emails. Had a wander around, and bought a proper bike rack ($189) at Canadian Tire…..they are a huge national chain that stocks almost everything at quite reasonable prices. We had tied the bikes onto the ladder at tge back of the van , but it was always quite a mission to get them on and off, decided we needed a better system. So opened the box in the carpark while Ian checked that it would fit before we left, but all okay.
Continued on around the coast and stopped beside a little beach for lunch. We arrived at Perce, a tourist centre where you can take a boat trip out to Bonaventure Island to see the Albatross and other bird life. It was full of people, lots of eating and sleeping places, and many tacky tourist shops. The wind had got up, the seas were quite rough, and knowing my ability to stomach those conditions we decided to pass on the trip. We had passed many little campsites beside the sea, but as we were getting ready to stop for the day, we couldn’t find one. So checked into a camp near the beach, but amongst the trees and no view…..and plenty of mosquitoes. Right through our trip they have been a bit of an issue, and I have had a number of bites….my legs are not a pretty sight! We make sure and spray everywhere, but sometimes they still manage to make a hit.
For the last week we have travelled through some amazing scenery with quaint little villages, and rural scenes, but today was much more ordinary…we have been spoilt.
The morning was quite hazy, had been tempted to get up for sunrise but slept in! We said goodbye to the girls in the next camp, we enjoyed their company, and I had to delay a little as I saw a wonderful light as the sun was trying to come through the haze….off for photos!
The day was quite overcast, and we wound round the coast to Gaspe, a bigger town, where I was able to find a rogue wifi and get emails. Had a wander around, and bought a proper bike rack ($189) at Canadian Tire…..they are a huge national chain that stocks almost everything at quite reasonable prices. We had tied the bikes onto the ladder at tge back of the van , but it was always quite a mission to get them on and off, decided we needed a better system. So opened the box in the carpark while Ian checked that it would fit before we left, but all okay.
Continued on around the coast and stopped beside a little beach for lunch. We arrived at Perce, a tourist centre where you can take a boat trip out to Bonaventure Island to see the Albatross and other bird life. It was full of people, lots of eating and sleeping places, and many tacky tourist shops. The wind had got up, the seas were quite rough, and knowing my ability to stomach those conditions we decided to pass on the trip. We had passed many little campsites beside the sea, but as we were getting ready to stop for the day, we couldn’t find one. So checked into a camp near the beach, but amongst the trees and no view…..and plenty of mosquitoes. Right through our trip they have been a bit of an issue, and I have had a number of bites….my legs are not a pretty sight! We make sure and spray everywhere, but sometimes they still manage to make a hit.