August 2 Saturday Stayed Put!
We both slept like logs, and it was 7.30 before we woke up. Had a very lazy morning, late breakfast, it’s the first time on the trip so far, that we have had an “at home day”, and quite good not to be on the road. It was a good chance to sort out cupboards…had put things in at the start, but needed to change a few things around. Ian had fun sorting out the outside storage holds, and discovered even more bits and pieces that Marge had left in for us.
We both curled up with our books after a late lunch…Ian nodded off! Went for a walk around and followed the noise to a big group of campers. They were having a ball, playing a game of throwing and drinking, couldn’t quite work it all out, but they were having a ball. We stopped and chatted …turns out they are an extended family that come camping here every year for this long weekend, this is their 20th year. They really were quite a “hardcase” group, more than happy for me to take photos. The evening had an Hawaiian theme, so they were all getting dressed up for it. The older members took us over to where they were going to sit and have dinner, their tents were all set up around the central part. There seemed to be plenty of beer flowing and cigarettes smoked. We have noticed everywhere, more people smoking than in NZ, especially the women.
Continued on our walk and met a lady walking her 12 week old puppy, on enquiring its breed…heard it was a Golden Doodle….cross between a golden retriever and a poodle… it tickled Ian’s fancy! Home for a dinner of barbecued lamb steaks, fresh beans, baked potatoes and onions and grilled peppers…along with a glass of wine! Watched the DVD we bought on Mackinac Island of the winters there…brilliant!
We both slept like logs, and it was 7.30 before we woke up. Had a very lazy morning, late breakfast, it’s the first time on the trip so far, that we have had an “at home day”, and quite good not to be on the road. It was a good chance to sort out cupboards…had put things in at the start, but needed to change a few things around. Ian had fun sorting out the outside storage holds, and discovered even more bits and pieces that Marge had left in for us.
We both curled up with our books after a late lunch…Ian nodded off! Went for a walk around and followed the noise to a big group of campers. They were having a ball, playing a game of throwing and drinking, couldn’t quite work it all out, but they were having a ball. We stopped and chatted …turns out they are an extended family that come camping here every year for this long weekend, this is their 20th year. They really were quite a “hardcase” group, more than happy for me to take photos. The evening had an Hawaiian theme, so they were all getting dressed up for it. The older members took us over to where they were going to sit and have dinner, their tents were all set up around the central part. There seemed to be plenty of beer flowing and cigarettes smoked. We have noticed everywhere, more people smoking than in NZ, especially the women.
Continued on our walk and met a lady walking her 12 week old puppy, on enquiring its breed…heard it was a Golden Doodle….cross between a golden retriever and a poodle… it tickled Ian’s fancy! Home for a dinner of barbecued lamb steaks, fresh beans, baked potatoes and onions and grilled peppers…along with a glass of wine! Watched the DVD we bought on Mackinac Island of the winters there…brilliant!