Friday July 12, Glorenza, Italy

Covered bridges over the river behind the camp.
Yes, another day and another country!!! We are visiting a friend later next week in the middle of Austria so thought we would take the opportunity to pop back across the border and do some mountain passes in Italy.
Unfortunately, we had rain off and on all night and this morning it hardly let up. Debated about staying put but the forecast looked better in this area so decided to just do it. It really was very wet with quite heavy traffic as we crossed the Fern Pass. I am sure the views would have been wonderful but guess you win some and lose some. Once we turned off to Imst the traffic was much better. Today we decided to stay off the motorways and it was a good call as the road was really good although the rain continued, and temperatures hovered around 12 degrees.
Continued on through Landeck and stopped at Lidl for some supplies …and the rain continued!! Then it was up an over the Finster Pass and into Italy. Felt a bit cheated though as can well imagine the stunning scenery we missed out on because of the rain.
Tonight’s campsite looked great, but had a rather interesting arrival when we had to squeeze through a very narrow entrance in the medieval town wall!!! Eventually arrived and by now the rain had stopped thankfully. Great spot looking up to the mountains with snow still dotting the high points, with orchards covering the lower slopes.
We wandered down into the town later on, a rather pretty town which somehow feels more like Austria than Germany, and we watched as a bus inched it’s way through the archway that we came through very nervously.   
A very very wet drive for much of the day.

Church Glorenza

Pretty town.

There wasn't much room to spare!!!

View across to the mountains.


Vicki Bright said…
A very pretty and natural looking few days.
Anonymous said…
Wouch you do have to line up carefully!!!
I remember a wonderful day going up The Valley of the Ferrets, which I think was quite near where you are or were. Absolutely spectacular.
Your wanderings are truly fantastic. Well done. D and J
Meg Lipscombe said…
Thanks Vicki, no big cities at the moment, just wonderful scenery.

And thanks D&J. We are having quite a meandering time, and loving it. Yes, the Valley of Ferrets is further west towards France.