Saturday May 11, Nordlingen

Bavarian countryside

Yesterday was just a teaser, the rain started during the night and continued heavily all night, and eased a little when it was time to leave this morning. Last night we had poured over the maps working out today’s route. Decided on following the “Romantic Road” which passes a number of castles in Bavaria. But with it being so wet and not a good forecast we opted out for another route, still off the motorways but more straight forward taking route 13 through Ansbach then onto Nordlingen on 466. It was a great road with not too much traffic passing through small towns and lots of open fields with great vistas. And the weather was sunny and fine, then the wind would get up to gale force and the rain would pour down. Just crazy stuff. Needed to pick up a few supplies and our first stop at Edeka was a no-go, it was so busy and just nowhere to park Ruakiwi but found and Aldi which is really warehouse style with none of the normal brands and plenty of carparks. Picked up some fresh Spargel (white asparagus) at a roadside stall…they are everywhere during the season. Yummy for dinner tonight.
Decided on an early stop this afternoon and found this well recommended Stellplatz from my Park4Night App which is actually on the Romantic Road. The sun was shining when we arrived, and got a very nice campspot opening out onto the grass. After a leisurely lunch and with no sign of rain we put on our walking shoes and headed into town. Nordlingen is famous as being  one of only three towns in Germany surrounded by a complete medieval wall. Had a good look around but were perhaps a little underwhelmed, maybe that was after yesterdays visit to Wurzburg. This is the heart of Bavaria and the houses have a very distinctive style.
Wandered back to the van (the long way, after missing the turning!) the sun was out, and it was really warm. Got the deck chairs out, and shorts on and within ten minutes a storm came through with gale force winds and pouring rain. Batten down the hatches, once again!!
A misty morning leaving Wurzberg

A great drive through the countryside

Entering Nordlingen through the wall.


..and the town centre.

Dressed up for the beer fest


Ed said…
I loved this set of photos. In the mono beer fest pic I wonder what had just passed between the man and woman. She is giving him the death stare.
Rainie said…
The first lot of pictures are what I call "gasp photos"...just stunning.
That weather better perk up
Meg Lipscombe said…
Thanks for the comments.
Ed?? Vicki? I loved this couple, think they may have been selling beer in the hall and had come out for a fag. Certainly not happy looking people, unlike everyone else!
Hi Lorraine, the only plus side to the weather is the clouds. Really cold this morning and will get colder as we head to the alps. Roll on Italy!!