Final chapters!
Friday October 17
Woke to rain this morning..time we went home. Ian took us to the airport where we had fun at the check-in….the three bags were all overweight! So repacked and ended up only having to pay for one overweight bag. It wasn’t until we were about to enter the security check that Ian thought about the heavy pack of drill bits that he had taken out of our luggage to get the weight down, and put in his cabin bag… go! They were spotted straight away and confiscated!
Good 5 hour flight through to Los Angeles, and as we had a 6 hour wait between flights, we walked around to the Air New Zealand terminal, rather than taking the shuttle bus. We needed the exercise!
No problems going through security again, and had a few beers and a pizza while we waited, and finally loaded ready for the 10.30pm flight.

Sunday October 19
Saturday never happened! Had a good flight, managed some sleep, and landed at Mangere, Auckland at 7.15am.
It was after 8 when we cleared customs and what excitement to see five little faces waiting to see us. A lovely clear morning, seemed so strange to be back home again.
We all went back to Craig and Nicky’s and had an exciting morning watching the children with their presents. It was great seeing Heatherbelle and Susan for the afternoon, and surprisingly weren’t too jaded, but by 9pm were very ready to put our heads down, back on NZ soil.
Saturday October 25
Finally have got around to putting the last days of our trip on the blog. It has been a busy week back at Tarawera, sorting mail and accounts, tidying up the garden, and Ian has dug the vegie gardens ready for the summer crops. It has also been great catching up with so many of our neighbours and friends, and hearing all the news from the past months....eveyone complaining about the dreadful wet weather.
So now I will end the blog for this year.....and will restart when we continue our adventures next year.
Woke to rain this morning..time we went home. Ian took us to the airport where we had fun at the check-in….the three bags were all overweight! So repacked and ended up only having to pay for one overweight bag. It wasn’t until we were about to enter the security check that Ian thought about the heavy pack of drill bits that he had taken out of our luggage to get the weight down, and put in his cabin bag… go! They were spotted straight away and confiscated!
Good 5 hour flight through to Los Angeles, and as we had a 6 hour wait between flights, we walked around to the Air New Zealand terminal, rather than taking the shuttle bus. We needed the exercise!
No problems going through security again, and had a few beers and a pizza while we waited, and finally loaded ready for the 10.30pm flight.

Sunday October 19
Saturday never happened! Had a good flight, managed some sleep, and landed at Mangere, Auckland at 7.15am.
It was after 8 when we cleared customs and what excitement to see five little faces waiting to see us. A lovely clear morning, seemed so strange to be back home again.
We all went back to Craig and Nicky’s and had an exciting morning watching the children with their presents. It was great seeing Heatherbelle and Susan for the afternoon, and surprisingly weren’t too jaded, but by 9pm were very ready to put our heads down, back on NZ soil.
Saturday October 25
Finally have got around to putting the last days of our trip on the blog. It has been a busy week back at Tarawera, sorting mail and accounts, tidying up the garden, and Ian has dug the vegie gardens ready for the summer crops. It has also been great catching up with so many of our neighbours and friends, and hearing all the news from the past months....eveyone complaining about the dreadful wet weather.
So now I will end the blog for this year.....and will restart when we continue our adventures next year.