The scenery today has been the best in Oregon as we took a scenic route through the Cascade Mountains in perfect weather with blue skies and puffy clouds.

Woke this morning to 5 degrees so somehow were in no hurry to get up!. After breakfast enjoyed a walk around the lake edge and campground, it is a really pretty place and can see why people enjoy staying here. Realised that there are a lot of hotsprings coming up into the lake as a result of the eruption and is probably why the lake is warmer than many, and the kids enjoy swimming here.

Hiked a short distance to one of the big lava flows not far from camp. Somehow felt like a lunar landscape with large heaves of obsidian and scoria type material. As we continued on there were many similar type areas, amazed to see pine trees actually growing in it, mind you they were pretty sparse stunted specimens.

We followed a scenic route from a Lonely Planet Guide book that meandered through some pretty spectacular scenery at quite a high altitude. Mt Bachelor still had a huge amount of snow on it, and surprised to see a lot of packed snow in the valleys around.

Lakes are dotted everywhere with one or two campgrounds on each of them. Surprisingly the traffic was very light making driving much more enjoyable. It was a slow leisurely day as we stopped and checked out the different lakes.

Honor had mentioned Waldo Lake as being really nice, decided that would make a good camp for the night and found a really nice spot beside the lake. Noticed a few mosquitoes but sitting down at the lake edge with a breeze blowing they didn’t worry us. But by the time we were cooking a meal and eating they came in droves, probably as bad as we have had in all our travels….even in Alaska!!. Ended up giving up on the fire and into the van for the rest of the evening.


Vicki Bright said…
Kiaora Travellors, lovely to see pictures of summer and stories of almost swimming. Been a lot of snow throughout NZ this week, in Auckland for the first time in years, on the side of road towards Tarawera. We all fine, lots of love Vicki and Ed