Thursday June 10th, Gooseberry Camp, Elbow River Valley, Kananaskis, AB

181 Miles

And we were leaving winter behind and having another summer?????  Today the temperature has hovered around 7 degrees with light rain.  Although it was fine and sunny at Viva’s this morning it got progressively worse as we headed North. We got the Calgary paper this morning and there was only one place in North America that was colder! Predictions are for sun and low 20’s this weekend in Calgary, will keep our fingers crossed. The positive side of all this cold weather is the mosquitoes don’t like it either.
We had such a wonderful stay again with Nicas’s, and seeing them twice within 9 months is amazing considering it was 25 years since we last saw Viva. NZ is in their future plans so we will look forward to returning their hospitality.
After fueling up with petrol as well as Propane we took HW 22 north toward Calgary. The cloud was right down, couldn’t see the mountains, but drove through some huge ranches with rolling hills….one was 54,000 acres. All pasture farming, which is quite unusual.
The campsite tonight is in a provincial park and we are right beside the Elbow River, a very pretty area, and if the sun was shining it would be stunning. A group of 8 deer, one of which is in full velvet are sitting under the trees about 50m from our site.
We had some of the Fernie steak for tea, it was superb, a little on the rare side as Ian was feeling a little cool, barbecuing outside under the awning and didn’t want to spend any longer than necessary. 


richardg said…
where's the photo of the eight deer?
perhaps too busy eating that Fernie steak.
Kiwi Gran said…
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Kiwi Gran said…
Love the blue toned wet cold day photo!!
The Prarie DOGS?? are so cute....keep one for a pet!But Molly might get jealous!
I hope you are starting to spark again and the feeling poorly has all gone!
That church was hard to see in the photo of the mountains.Where is the telephoto!! Hugs
Meg Lipscombe said…
Lynn...that was the telephoto!!!
Meg Lipscombe said…
Richard, I would have got frostbite getting those deer!