Thursday September 17, still at Peck Gulch

This was such a magic spot that we decided last night to spend another day here, having a relax and a sort out of the cupboards as only a week before we fly out.
The wind got up for awhile but this afternoon was just glorious and not quite as hot as yesterday. Chatted with some of the campers who were here fishing, trying to hook some kokenai salmon but not having much luck.
Had a pleasant evening with a chap from New York. Tom bought an RV and headed out on the road at the end of May, travelling much like we are. Lit the campfire with the last of the wood we had been given plus some driftwood that I had gathered along the lake edge, and sat around having a few drinks. The stars tonight were quite spectacular, and Tom pointed out some satellites…once we knew what we were looking for, ended up seeing about 4, they are surprisingly bright and move at quite a speed.


Marge Tingen said…
Hi, haven't read every word, but enjoy the photos so much. Does Ian have gout? He must drink cherry juice, and not in the form of wine. :) Your vacation is almost over, so happy to hear Ruakiwi worked so well. Later, love Marge
Meg Lipscombe said…
HI Marge

Will tell Ian to give up drinking wine and start on Cherry Juice...can you imagine the response I will get?
Last few days and somehow the blog is slowing down too!
Love Meg