Monday October 22, Sainte-Suzanne

The old castle at Sainte Suzanne
A bit of a slower start today after a busy day yesterday. We set off in the sunshine but soon the clouds came over and it has been a very grey day, just such a change after all the bluebird days we have had over the past months. Somehow makes us realise that the holiday is almost over.
We meandered north through the lesser roads having to over ride Jilly who wanted us to take the motorways and main highways. It was a very easy and pleasant drive through rural France and many small villages with a stop in Le Lude at Lidl for a few supplies before finding a good roadside stop for a lunch break.
Destination was the old medieval town of Sainte-Suzanne which is listed in the 100 Most Beautiful Villages in France and also had a very good camping spot in town. Read up a bit about it and evidently archaeological digs have dated the site as having been occupied several thousand years BC, and parts of the castle dating from the 11th century are still intact. Kitted out with jackets we went for a wander through the town, which was almost deserted apart from a few other hardy tourists checking it out. The shops were mainly closed, guess summer is over! But it was good to get out and stretch out legs.
And as I am writing my blog the clouds are lifting and I can see some blue sky, so hopefully tomorrow will be better. And not many pics today...all from Sainte Suzanne.
Would love to see inside the gates!!

Great views of the countryside from the castle

The old walls, the castle is being repaired in places.
