Friday August 25, Tolkamer, Netherland

A very nice spot beside the Rhine

It was time to say good bye to Conny and Hitten this morning after being so well looked after for the past week, and we are so grateful for all their help.
Conny took us back into Dusseldorf on Wednesday and after quite a chat with the doctor, he decided it was worth trying another set of injections, and at this stage Ian is doing very well, so we have our fingers crossed that it will continue.
Went with Conny to a few garden centres yesterday looking for some colour to add to her garden for the last of summer. Have really enjoyed living an “everyday” life in Germany, the villages are all so close and Conny’s little “shopping basket” is always out and about.

Intrigued by this sculpture in Conny's neighbours garden!
But it was time for us to hit the road for the last 6 days before our crossing to England next Thursday. Set off this morning for a campspot I had found in Wesel, beside the Rhine but it turned out to be behind a hotel with no views of the river. Tolkamer, where we had stopped for a night at the start of our trip was only an hour away, and we were keen to revisit. It was bitterly cold when we were here in here but really loved the location right beside the Rhine with hundreds of boats passing directly in front of us. We were very happy to arrive this afternoon to find that there were still two places left. The weather is very pleasant, in the low 20’s with some light cloud cover.
The river has been non-stop all afternoon, tankers, container ships, grain and coal barges, cruise boats and lots of small pleasure boats. We are parked near a dock where boats pull up and unload their car and one of the crew will head off in it. Guess they get picked up somewhere else.
Washing day on the Rhine!

Plenty of action
We walked along to a “shop” boat which is permanently anchored to the promenade and picked up a few supplies. They also have service boats which pull up alongside river boats and refuel them as they continue on. There is never a dull moment. 
Had noticed a number of tents in the village about the river and found out there is some sort of event going on this weekend. The music started early evening and at 10 oclock there was a great fireworks display on the hill just behind the campers. Spectacular. Although the music was good, needed to find some airplugs to get to sleep!
