Tuesday October 29, Page AZ

The sky was looking ominous.

There was quite a storm overnight and could hear sleety showers but no snow. The drive back through to Page this morning was really windy and the sky had a strange pink colour, with lots of clouds. It was a retracing of our steps, and 3 ½ weeks later we returned to Page, although are staying at a campground this time, not Walmart!
But in that time, the town has become so quiet, the tourist/holiday season has ended. Ian really wanted to have a look around the marina on Lake Powell, drove out to it, but it was deserted with most of the boats out of the water and all the facilities closed for the season, quite a disappointment.
By mid afternoon the rain looked to be getting closer and it was still windy so booked into the camp and was able to get the washing done in the camp Laundromat. The rain finally came, with a great rainbow, but surprising it didn’t last for long, the sun came out and the wind stopped. Guess it is all over, and the forecast for tomorrow is good again with lots of sun.
Lake Mead before the storm.
