Sunday August 21, Pendleton OR

After such an amazing day with so much variety yesterday, today has been far more humdrum, as we drove North East to Pendleton.

Before we left camp this morning the lads from the next camp arrived to show us the bass they had caught using worms on a hand line, they were pretty excited. Really nice kids.

Picked up some fresh peaches and nectarines from an orchard not far from camp, and drove down 207 to Heppner through forest land. Fuelled up and found a tree where we parked for a lunch stop, it was already pretty warm. Not a lot happening in the town, although it was settled back in the late 1800’s and is now a rural service centre.

The 60 mile drive to Pendleton was through masses of big open rolling country, no trees, dry and arid and although we saw a number of ranches, hardly saw an animal. Can’t understand why as there was plenty of rough dry feed, water may have been the problem.

It was close to 40 degrees when we arrived in Pendleton and not a cloud in the sky. This town is famous for its huge rodeo in mid September, and all things Western. Drove through town but not much happening on a Sunday.

Decided that we really needed to camp with electricity tonight for some air conditioning, although we can run the generator, we don’t like running it for hours. The Casino, about 6 miles out of town has a very good camp ground and even a few shade trees, nice to relax in the cool tonight. Don’t think we will get to the Casino though!



Kiwi Gran said…
Fresh peaches. Sound marvellous... Roll on Summer.
Saw ahilarious movie preview tonight - Irish and very funny... Called The Guard. We were served Irish whiskey beforehand... Quite good too!
If i meet your flight will you have time for coffee with me before you head south?? Send me the time etc.... I guess its a month off yet....
I fly to Sydney Sept 1st for four days.