Saturday July 18th Winnipeg MB

Today has been quite an emotional one. Received news that Dad is very ill in hospital, initially it was thought he had pneumonia, but it appears his heart is failing. At 87 his body is getting tired. I am so grateful that I had a good visit with him the day before we left, he was very bright and talkative and for the first time in quite a few years he remembered who I was when the nurse asked him. Seemed difficult to focus on travelling today.

We had a look around Steinbach and continued on into Winnipeg. Happened upon a great market on the outskirts of town, and it was goods made or grown by the stall holders. One lady who made the most deiightful bags spotted Ian in his NZ shirt and asked were we from NZ or had we just visited! Struck up a great conversation with Marlene and her daughters, a very interesting family. She has a daughter living on an organic farm in Saskatchewan who has Woofer’s, and she would love us to call in and meet her. If the trip allows, we certainly will.

Jilly brought us to Barb’s with no problems, it has been 25 years since we last saw her in NZ, and what a reunion. Barb and her dog Shadow live in a really cute house full of restored furniture and wonderful pieces of art. She has a real eclectic style, a great collector, which we found most welcoming and inviting. Barb is a librarian, currently working at an elementary school, but has previously worked in a prison as a librarian. Many interesting stories about that time of her life, as well as a number of brilliant drawings and paintings done by the inmates. The talk never stopped as we picked up the pieces, and caught up with our lives since 1984.

Camped in Ruakiwi on Barb’s driveway, although there was a bed for us inside, as always it seems easier to sleep in the van rather than shifting stuff inside….but good to have a great shower!
