Monday July 20th Erickson MB

Woke up during the night to a big electrical storm, thunder crashing around us and bright flashes, but very little rain. Another clap of thunder directly overhead woke us at 5.30, but surprisingly we got up to blue skies.

Sat over breakfast chatting, we never seemed to have stopped over the past 2 days, were very sad to say goodbye to Barb, but hopefully next year will catch up with her again with her sister Joanie in Calagary.

Also heard this morning that Dad is much brighter, which is great news.

Our destination today was west to Riding Mountain National Park. We really enjoyed the drive, and although it was mostly flat, the yellow fields of Canola were just brilliant, along with a few fields of blue flax seed and wheat, barley, soy bean and corn crops.

Stopped for lunch break in Neepawa and picked up fresh supplies, but not much happening in town.

As we drove North West towards the park, the country rose up quite a bit, strange after being in such flat land for the last few days. Barb had mentioned that the government had cancelled all entrance fees to Provincial and State parks this year, to help people enjoy them despite the recession, so were surprised to find that the cost for a day pass to use the park was $8 each and on top of that the camping charge was $35. Just too expensive to stay the night, but were able to drive through the park and look around, which we did. Didn’t see any moose or bears although spotted a few beaver dams on the ponds.

We had noticed a small municipal camp in a town about 10 miles back from the camp, so headed there. Quite unique, no one else there, but about 4 caravans on site. It was very well kept and at only $15 a night, including free firewood we liked it. Walked into town and had a look around, just a small country place. Sitting sitting outside with the campfire roaring tonight, just great although would like the wind to drop a bit.


Jacqui said…
Calgary ..... YIPPEEEE ...... we're only 3 hours south!!!!