Tuesday September 13, Wickham St.Paul

Quintessential countryside cottage, evidently
over 400 years old.

And another blog where I have missed a few days! 

Sunday, and a really calm warm day to drive to the ferry at the Hoek of Holland, and a very easy trip as being a Sunday morning, the traffic was very light. We joined a short queue and only had an hour to wait until they checked our bookings and we were through to Passport Control. He was a nice guy, and he mentioned that did we realise we had stayed a bit longer than the allowable 90 days in EU, but when we mentioned the NZ Visa Waver Program which allows us 180 days in EU within a 12 month period, he agreed that we were legal. So we were off to join the queue and before long we were driving onto the boat, more than 1 ¼ hours before departure. As usual we had booked a cabin for the 7 hour trip so were able to settle in and start a very relaxing journey. Rather than use the ships cafeterias, I take food with us to snack on. And for the 10th time, we had a really smooth crossing, no need for seasick pills.

It was dark when we came off the ferry and we were both watching carefully to drive on the other side of the road, with the left hand drive making it a bit more “interesting”. But within 8 minutes we had safely arrived at our usual roadside overnight stop overlooking the port.   

Monday, had a very good nights sleep and woke to a beautiful sunrise. First stop for the day was at the Argos store in Harwich to organise a Lebara Sim card with a UK number. The chap was very helpful and together we set it up on the phone without too many hassles. Then a stop at the Morrisons store near by to stock up on a few supplies.

As we weren’t sure where we would be going regarding the vehicle sale, we found a spot on a berry farm about an hour’s drive away that we thought would be a good base for a few days. The first part of the drive was on the motorway, but then we took a slightly lesser main road which was really busy and rather narrow. We tucked in behind a truck and held our breath, both of us to focussed to take in some of the delightful villages we passed through. Finally left the busy road and arrived at the Berry Farm and what a find. We are parked beside the gardens in a special motorhome site and it is so quiet. In front of us is a row of what I think are crab apples, they are laden and the fruit is dropping on the ground. I have only every seen red fruit, but there are also yellow and orange.  Its very warm today, about 26, with quite a bit of humidity. Later we wandered down to the village, with some lovely old cottages, and called into the local pub. Made very welcome and enjoyed a beer before walking home.

During the day we had been getting emails from a prospective buyer, who is very keen. We ended up chatting with him last night at great length and feel he is genuine. He lives in the north of England so we are going to meet him part way at York on Friday afternoon, and have our fingers crossed that all will go smoothly.

Tuesday.  Have spent today sorting through cupboards and having a good decluttering. And thankfully the humidity has dropped and it is a bit cooler.

Final farewell to Holland on a beautiful Sunday

The port of Rotterdam, using multiple exposures.

A great sunrise in Harwich

At the Village Pub.

Orange Crab Apples...I think

Such a nice spot.


Rainie said…
Wonderful to see your blog this morning and read the progress with your travel and motor home sales. Good luck on Friday, hope it’s just what the buyer wants. Lovely photos especially the ME of Rotterdam
Careywood Crew said…
Beautiful photos as always Meg and so glad to hear all getting well sorted. Such a beautiful park spot too.
We found the Yorvik Museum in York thoroughly interesting , by the way...
Best of luck for the sale procedure. xJen
richardg said…
Enjoy your time in York. It is a great part of the UK. And best wishes with the potential sale.