Wednesday November 21, Lake Tarawera

A very wintery Lake Tarawera

The final blog for our 2018 adventures from an extremely wet and cold Lake Tarawera. This is supposed to be late spring but I am writing this with fire going, somehow I think it will be awhile before I start swimming!
We had a very good trip back to NZ with no hiccups, and a very warm welcome from all the family. The grandsons have both shot up since we left, I am really looking up to them now. After a night in Pukekohe staying with Ian’s mum Heatherbelle we were able to get a ride home to the lake on Sunday afternoon with neighbours Matt and Ange. Nice to be home, and everything has survived our absence remarkably well.
Have been catching up with all the locals, and tackling the weeds in the vegetable garden ready to put some plants in, although with these temperatures I don’t think I will need to hurry. Time now to start going through all my photos and reliving the wonderful places we visited and the special people we met….and get ready for Xmas!!!
Our resident heron not worried about the chilly water.


Careywood Crew said…
Good to see "William" welcoming you home : ))
Rainie said…
Welcome back to chilly (and very damp down here) New Zealand. Enjoyed following your travels, thanks Meg.
Big.Al said…
It’s always nice to get home after a long trip.

I do wonder though, with the length of you adventures, if you are not now on you holiday... ;o)
Meg Lipscombe said…
Thanks Jen, Lorraine and Al, it really has been a very damp homecoming. Lucky I have a lot of photos to process!! may be right about coming home for a holiday!!