Tuesday November 22

The contrasts of Hong Kong

Yes, we have finally arrived home and back at Lake Tarawera and what a right royal welcome the weather gods have turned on. Unbelievable clear blue skies, hardly a breath of wind and temperatures in the low 20’s…just perfect.
We had a good trip home with a day and a half stopover in Hong Kong. Took Ian into the city by train from the airport hotel for a real culture shock for him, his first visit to an Asian city. The city was rather smoggy and after meandering the harbour and the city streets, dodging people and vehicles he was rather pleased to get back to the hotel and a shower and feet up before our early evening flight back to NZ.
Great to catch up with all the family and the grandies seem to have shot up over the past 4 ½ months. Stayed with Heatherbelle (Ian’s Mum) who turns 90 next month and followed the blog on her iPad, she is amazing.
Drove back to the lake yesterday and our wonderful neighbours had opened up the house and put a bowl of fresh roses on the table, and a fairy even weeded the vegetable garden….thanks Andy.
Now it is time to settle down and enjoy summer, family and friends before returning to pick up Ruakiwi at the end of April next year and continue on with our meandering journey through Europe. I had some issues with getting my blog loaded at the end as discovered that the laptop was having a wonderful time chewing through the data – something I will need to sort out before next year.
PS…..Wednesday and a bit late getting this last post up, record temperatures yesterday and first swim of the season. Roll on summer.

Harrods at Heathrow

Hong Kong

Ian was amazed at the bamboo scaffolding! OSH would have a field day.

Selfies....they spend hours getting it right!

Aidan and Ella enjoying having Poppa home!
..and it's great to be home!!!


Kiwi Gran said…
Pleased your back on home turf too...see you soo . HK pics bought back memories!! How was the food??